DSS Conducts Quarterly Leadership Meeting

Recently, DSS held its Quarterly Leadership Meeting.

The event brought together DSS executive leadership and district management teams to discuss operational issues. DSS President and COO Mario J. Doyle led the all-day event, reviewing company operations, business development planning, technology integration, and near- and long-term company objectives.

DSS quarterly meetings are designed to ensure that the company’s operations remain effective, efficient, and aligned with the organization’s strategic goals. They are a fundamental part of DSS’ ongoing effort to always be building a better company, not just a bigger company.

The Quarterly Meeting also featured a talk on the value of building team relationships by Joseph Fox a popular Executive Leadership Coach, who spent almost four decades with the New York City Police Department (NYPD), retiring as the Chief of the NYPD’s Transit Bureau in 2018.

In his talk, Fox noted that every team has its own internal tensions and disagreements, but that these can be minimized by focusing on effective communication among team members. He offered concrete examples of communication language and styles that can build team cooperation and mitigate conflicts.

It is a core principle at DSS that building a better organization comes through listening to our team members, providing the most effective training, offering robust career development options to our team members, and ensuring that our clients receive the highest levels of professionalism and service from our people.

DSS has experienced industry-leading growth over the past several years. The company now deploys more than 1,000 security professionals across New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Florida, up from around 500 security professionals just three years ago. This dramatic expansion is the result of DSS leadership’s laser-like focus on supporting our frontline personnel, developing collaborative relationships with our clients, and always focusing on improving our organization.

Quarterly leadership meetings are just one way that DSS ensures our company continues to move in the right direction.