Mario J. Doyle Joins NYS Security Guard Advisory Council
Doyle Security Services, Inc., (DSS) is proud to announce that DSS President and Chief Operating Officer Mario J. Doyle has been appointed to New York State’s Security Guard Advisory Council (SGAC) by Governor Kathy Hochul.
The SGAC provides guidance to New York’s Department of State, Division of Licensing Services and Division of Criminal Justice Services. It is tasked with reviewing, developing, and recommending policies and state regulations for the certification of “security guard training schools and training programs; the minimum courses of study and all training requirements to be fulfilled by schools; the minimum qualifications for instructors at approved security guard training schools and training programs; and training requirements for unarmed and armed security guards.”

SGAC members are selected by the Governor and are subjected to extensive background checks by the Governor’s Appointments Office and the New York State Police before they can take and official Oath of Office and assume their role.
The Council is composed of 17 members who are drawn from the security guard industry or who possess an understanding of the industry. The includes representatives from a contractual security company, a proprietary security company, a security guard employed by a contractual security company, a security guard employed by a proprietary security company, a full-time faculty member of a college or university whose area of expertise is in the field of security, and two non-voting members of the SGAC: the NYS Commissioner of the Division of Criminal Justice Services, and the NYS Secretary of State.
Mario will serve as a member of the SGAC through the end of 2026.
Working to improve the security industry has been a lifelong goal for Mario. In addition to his new role on the SGAC, he is active in the New York Metropolitan Area Council of TiNYg (Global Terrorism Information Network), The Global Shield Foundation, National Law Enforcement Associates, Inc., and the Nassau County Municipal Police Chief’s Association. He also serves as the Director of the Nassau County Police Foundation and the Suffolk County Police Athletic League.
Additionally, since 2006, Mario has been the Director for the Nassau County Police Department’s Law Enforcement Exploring program, which provides hands-on and educational training programs for young adults on the purposes, mission, and objectives of law enforcement. He has also served in senior leadership roles at professional associations such as ASIS International and the Associated Licensed Detectives of New York State (ALDONYS).
We congratulate Mario on his appointment to the Security Guard Advisory Council!
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